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Never Fully Write Out Your Speech

Do you put yourself in chains by writing out your speech word for word?

Never, ever, ever write out your speech fully. 

I know this may be hard for some of you but it impairs you when giving the speech.


Putting every word down on paper seems like the diligent thing to do. You can organize your thoughts better and wordsmith what you say to perfection. It certainly makes you feel more confident when you get it all down on paper. 

The problem is that when you write it all down (perfectly), a part of your brain thinks you should deliver it as perfectly as you wrote it.

And you never will. If you’re truly connected with each audience, the speech will differ slightly each time because you are in a different head and you’re speaking to different people. Another problem trying to speak it as well as you wrote it is that the speech will sound canned. Your connection with the audience will be weaker because you’re connected so fully with what you wrote. Not everyone in the audience will know this but they may sense it. And you will know especially that you’re not fully present.  

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