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How Do I Find My Creativity?

If you can turn a thought into an action, don't tell me you're not creative.

The best way to be creative is to not try. 

If you want a good idea, listen to the subconscious and you’ll hear the million ideas that are already there. Those people we label as “creative” aren’t necessarily so; they simply know how to put their ear to the ground, listen to what the universe is saying, and get out of the way. 

Creativity isn’t a talent only some people have. And it isn’t work.

 It is the result of not thinking and letting the universe visit YOU with ideas. When your mind is in a relaxed state, and not trying, barriers, such as “I’m not creative,” go away and the abundance of ideas (which is already in the wings) comes flying into your brain. 

If you stop trying so hard to convince yourself that you aren’t creative, you’ll discover you already are. 

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