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Your battery doesn’t have to be at full power all the time but, if you stay at 51% or more, confidence becomes your default.
When our battery is regularly or often in the red, urgency tends to rule. We worry, we feel acted upon and make poorer decisions.
We use shallower thought and weaker reason. We trick ourselves into feeling proud of how well we run on fumes and see pushing our limits as a strength. We grit our teeth and try to give 110% too much. We accept the red but it causes reactive behavior and damages the system.
With the goal of operating on fuller batteries, we may have to bite the bullet and conserve—live within our means. While this phase is less fun than ‘pedal-to-the-metal,’ it’s therapeutic and restorative. With your head above water too, it’s easier to create new prizes to keep your eyes on.
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