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We get what we believe we deserve. What expectations do you have of your life? That is probably what your life is like. I believe that expectations precede—daresay—cause reality?
So how do we change our expectations and create ones that will breed what we want?
We first have to know the expectations we already have. Subconscious expectations do a lot of the steering in our lives. Nurture the good ones; replace the faulty ones.
Some expectations have to do with whether (or not) we believe we have abilities. How much ability do you let yourself have? Some expectations have to do with pleasure. Do I expect life to please me (or not)? Some expectations have to do with love and whether we deserve it (or not). Expectations are based on what we believe we deserve. Deserving something is like putting a magnet on its back.
The way we expect to be treated is how our subconscious tells other people to treat us. We only get as much as we expect. So expect better and you will attract things which fill those expectations.
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