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Bookend Your Speech

When you connect the end to the beginning you create a loop.

The very first and the very last sentences you say can serve as bookends to tie it all together.

The opening bookend can draw us in and excite us about the journey you’re about to take us on. It can be a startling quote, the beginning of a story, an evocating question, or something that takes us out of where we are and plants us into the world of your speech. 

The closing bookend should refer back to the opening so it feels like we’ve closed the loop. You can repeat the quote, end the story, or answer the question.

It should feel like you’ve tied up your idea into a neat package. It can provoke an “aha” from your audience and render your idea complete.

An opening might be “Imagine a world where war is illegal.” And your closing might be “In this new world without war, what new levels of humanity might we pursue?”

The key is that the bookends are complementary and memorable and leave the audience inspired. 

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